
Blog Post #9

Blog post #9 on article: Read one of the above texts.  Please use this text, and everything else you have learned in YDEV so far, to craft a 1 paragraph “elevator speech” about YDEV -- how does this new text help you explain this major and what you have chosen as your academic career? If someone says, “YDEV?  What is that?”... how will you answer?? Elevator Speech: My name is Jessica Brotka and I stand a a role model for Children and Youth. My Fall semester at Rhode Island College was an excellent and new learning experience. I realized that the internship I first started was not the right fit. I found one that I believe is the right fit and it motives me to make a change. Through my learning in Youth Development this semester I was able to bring my learning into both sites I was in and am currently am in.I continue to see how important this learning is through "Moo Ins; Group work: Readings; and supportive Professors. This semester overall has been a great learning e


Saturday, I went to the Open House Event. It was a good turn out, and a lot of YDEV people came. The Open House was in the Murray Center and I think it was a better place than last year. Last years Open House was in the Student Union, and there wasn’t much space.  A lot of YDEV people came representing in their t-shirts. I event met people in the major I did know before. It was a good turnout. I hope each year brings more people to become familiar with this major and all the things it does. 

Blog post #8

Purposeful Play is important for a child it has many benefits. Purposeful play is fun, and it allows the educator to think about the children they are designing the activity for and how to make it an awarding experience. While doing purposeful play it helps the child discover new things about his or herself they may not even no. It helps a child build knowledge academically when they may not even know, it also helps a child bond with someone else. Purposeful play is fun and uplifting for children. The children are learning when they do not even know.   Leading with you can encourage, uplift, and support others. This is important because children need that one person that can lead them this way. Leading with has many benefits one is creating a nurturing environment for the children. It is also important to encourage the child to lead with, this helps the child build their self-item and gives them the chance to make up rules on their own. The child may even want to lead an activi

Blog post #7

  Blog post #7 on article:   In 1-2 paragraphs, discuss what you learned about yourself from the Ideology Inventory.  Where do your values lie when it comes to Youth Work?  Refer directly to the After the Youth Development ideology Horoscope I learned that I am "Positive Youth Development" which is a focus on fostering strengths and positive growth (also helps prevent negative outcomes)..." I agree with this because I like focusing on one child at a time. I like to address that child's problem, interest , and etc. Once I address whats going on with the child I would then move on to the next child. I know this is why I like mentoring with youths. I like making foundations for the youth to have. By me working with that one particular child, and my ideology a Positive Youth Development, I will help the youth increase the strength. I would provide the child with assistance, opportunities in the community, and help from agencies to help making a life long change. My
Blog post #6 on article:   Write about a time in your life when you experienced or observed an injustice. How did it make you feel and how did you react? Now, with some time and hindsight, how would you react to this situation if it happened again? An injustice I have once been a part of is when I use to work at Wendy’s. I worked there for about two years and wanted to move up the ladder there and do other things besides making sandwiches. When it was busy one day I went to the grill to help out because the guy who was doing it looked over whelmed. When I went to assist him, he looked at me in surprise. I know I can handle the grill and if I were to get the opportunity I would get more hours and I really needed more hours. The manger went to me and said you need to go back and make sandwiches which at the time we had plenty of people. The manager calls over to another employee and tells him to help on the grill. I know they felt as though women shouldn’t be on the grill becaus

Blog Post #5

I enjoyed reading this article because it shows that there are many forms of teaching methods and these four teachers did just that through creating maps. The four teachers are; Sarah, Michelle, Lee, and Eli. The first teacher is Sarah who is queer. The fact that she is opened about it, she is helping others feel comfortable who are queer. She also demonstrated how imagine is not everything, because of wearing pants all the time and more boyish clothes doesn’t not change the fact that she is a teacher. Her map is good because it what I consider a queer representation in a humorous way. The second teacher is Michelle who make a spatial map demonstrating her routine. She does this to show how the first few hours of her days are routine, then at any time they can change. Everything is unpredictable. Like when there I are printing problems it messes up her time.  For example, “This is as far as I got. I could have gone into the day. I think only getting this far, to 8 o’clock in the m


Youth Development Autobiography Assignment: For your writing assignment due Sept 28/29, you need to craft a 300 word blog post.  (This is just about one typed page, no longer) Prompt: What is your Youth Development Autobiography (aka My YDEV Story)? My youth development story is that ever since I was young I have loved to help people, I just didn’t know which direction to go. I worked with youth in high school and I knew then, that this is the age group I wanted to be around. I also worked for Ready to Learn which gave me a few years of working with young kids. So, having the opportunity to do both I knew which direction I wanted to go in, which is working with youth. I wanted to help youth and I want to make a change through my life experiences. I want to start after school programs for young moms. I want to be able to lead youth and I want to work with their families. With my life experiences, I know I can be beneficial to young moms. If there were more programs for young