Blog Post #9

Blog post #9 on article: Read one of the above texts.  Please use this text, and everything else you have learned in YDEV so far, to craft a 1 paragraph “elevator speech” about YDEV -- how does this new text help you explain this major and what you have chosen as your academic career? If someone says, “YDEV?  What is that?”... how will you answer??
Elevator Speech:
My name is Jessica Brotka and I stand a a role model for Children and Youth.
My Fall semester at Rhode Island College was an excellent and new learning experience. I realized that the internship I first started was not the right fit. I found one that I believe is the right fit and it motives me to make a change. Through my learning in Youth Development this semester I was able to bring my learning into both sites I was in and am currently am in.I continue to see how important this learning is through "Moo Ins; Group work: Readings; and supportive Professors. This semester overall has been a great learning experience.

In the text, " This is Youth Work " There is a piece about Pen and Paper Youth Work. I wanted to discuss this because at my current site and the girl I mentor has difficulty opening up in general and especially for just meeting me. To a strategy of note taking until she opens up to me. I liked this portion about Grace helping Anne " Grace used the clarifications to show she
was interested, that she cared and –both as a youth worker but also as a parent herself – that maybe she even understood a little of what was happening to Anne." To be able to relate to the youth is a powerful thing because once the youth knows how you feel or how you relate they open up to you more.

If someone ask me YDEV is I would tell them we are ones who are there to guide children and youth in a positive, nurnring, path way to success.


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