
Youth Development Autobiography
Assignment: For your writing assignment due Sept 28/29, you need to craft a 300 word blog post.  (This is just about one typed page, no longer)

Prompt: What is your Youth Development Autobiography (aka My YDEV Story)?

My youth development story is that ever since I was young I have loved to help people, I just didn’t know which direction to go. I worked with youth in high school and I knew then, that this is the age group I wanted to be around. I also worked for Ready to Learn which gave me a few years of working with young kids. So, having the opportunity to do both I knew which direction I wanted to go in, which is working with youth. I wanted to help youth and I want to make a change through my life experiences. I want to start after school programs for young moms. I want to be able to lead youth and I want to work with their families. With my life experiences, I know I can be beneficial to young moms. If there were more programs for young pregnant youth and their families it can bring down the teen pregnancy rate. Knowing I wanted to do these things, I began a search for a major that was right for me. I tried a couple different majors before I was introduced to Youth Development. I loved the social work aspect, education, and learning about nonprofits (Which will help me in creating after school programs). Its nice to have knowledge in different things it helps you get a better understanding of different things.  Learning about Youth Development I was immediately drawn because it incorporated everything I was interested in. Also, I love how what I have been learning will set me up for success after graduation. Also after I graduate if I choose to I could get a masters, in related fields. 


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